Hi there!
Another update for Lost For Swords, this time focussing on language! It adds a second language to the game: German! Additional languages will follow soon, as I have now set the basis for proper multi-language support. The update also includes a lot of improvements and bugfixes.
If that sparked your interest, head over to https://www.newgrounds.com/portal/view/897692
Here's what's new:
- support for German language in card descriptions and explanations (set in options)
- added indicators for weapons and monster attack values when higher or lower than their base
- increased damage of exploding barrels from 5 to 6
- added credits screen
- renamed Burning Sins to Common Penance: to avoid it getting mistaken for a Sin
- added better tooltips for sin explanation
- better explanations for a lot of cards
- bugfix: crash bug that occured when card select screen appears in specific cases
- bugfix: choosing greyed out backtrack option is not allowed anymore
- bugfix: related cards can now be clicked on and inspected as well
new cards:
- Pocket Wormhole
Thanks for reading and see you at the next patch! :)
Bye! (ʘ‿ʘ)╯